List of Contractor Cidb

If you`re in need of a contractor for your home renovation, it`s important to find a contractor with a good reputation and the necessary skills to complete the job. In South Africa, the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) plays an important role in regulating and promoting the construction industry.

The CIDB is a national body that was established to promote sustainable growth and development in the construction industry. One of the ways that the CIDB achieves this is by registering contractors and assigning them a CIDB grading.

Contractors who are registered with the CIDB have been assessed for their technical and financial capability. CIDB grading ranges from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest grade a contractor can achieve.

When looking for a contractor for your project, it`s important to find one with an appropriate CIDB grading for the job. Here is a list of contractor CIDB grades and what they mean:

Grade 1: This grade is for contractors who have the basic skills and resources to undertake small projects.

Grade 2: Contractors with this grade are capable of managing simple projects that require limited resources.

Grade 3: This grade is for contractors who have demonstrated the ability to manage more complex projects that require larger resources.

Grade 4: This grade is for contractors who are capable of undertaking complex projects that require significant resources.

Grade 5: Contractors with this grade are capable of managing large and complex projects that require a high level of technical expertise.

Grade 6: This grade is for contractors who have demonstrated a high level of technical expertise and are capable of managing major projects.

Grade 7: Contractors with this grade are capable of managing major projects that require a high level of technical expertise and financial resources.

Grade 8: This grade is for contractors who have demonstrated the ability to manage major projects that require significant financial resources.

Grade 9: This is the highest grade a contractor can achieve and is reserved for contractors who have demonstrated exceptional technical and financial capability.

When hiring a contractor, it`s important to check their CIDB grading to ensure that they have the necessary skills and resources to complete the job. By hiring a CIDB-registered contractor, you can be assured that they have been assessed and meet the required standards for the job.

In conclusion, finding the right contractor for your project is essential to ensure that the job is completed to your satisfaction. By using the CIDB grading system, you can easily find a contractor who meets the necessary standards and has the skills and resources to complete your project successfully. Always remember to check a contractor`s CIDB grading before hiring them for your project.